Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ahhh... The joys of high school.

You guys may or may not know, by reading my description... I am a Senior in high school. School has been in session for about 3 weeks now. Still getting back into the swing of things. Haha. Today we had a presentation for UNLV at my school. And I have to say, I am pretty excited for college! Still not sure where I want to go, but i'm keeping my options open. And in English, we are writing our personal statements for college applications. Ugh. I can't tell you how hard it is. It's taken me three days and i'm still not anywhere close to being done! It's the hardest essay I have ever written. I hate writing about myself! Haha. I have no clue what to say. Hopefully what to write will come to me eventually! I also can't imagine already being a Senior! High school has gone by way too fast. I felt like I blinked and it's all over and done with already. But as much as I want to stay in high school, I also want to graduate and get on with my life. I personally think I am ready to make that big step to becoming an adult. Speaking of being an adult... I am turning the big 18 next month! Still have no idea what I want to do. Haha. Maybe you guys can give me some ideas! Comment and let me know what you have in mind. That would help me a bunch! Well, I hope everyone has had an amazing day! Even though today was the anniverary of 9/11. Don't think of it as something bad. Think of it as something that America will never forget. And something that will forever be in our hearts. Have a great rest of your day, everyone!

Thanks for reading my first blog post guys! Feel free to leave comments on how I can improve!

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